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Monday, 14 March 2011

How to prepare for Bank PO and Clerk Exams?

Bank exams, be it for clerical or PO, aren’t as difficult as people may think them to be. But the problem is the vacancies to number of applicants’ ratio, which is normally very low. So matter of worry is about your preparation and time management and not about the toughness of the exam.
Though the exact pattern of the examination is described in manual of application in the application form issued by bank. For now, we will consider the standard pattern for PO exam that Comprises of a total of 225 questions with 135 minutes time i.e., 2 hrs and 15 minutes. That accounts for 36 seconds per question. Sounds Less!!!
But that’s not the end as we’re not going to attempt every question. The minimum cut-off marks for each section that should be crossed are normally 40%. If a candidate attempts around 175-185 with good preciseness then he has done a pretty good job! More than 190 are excellent.
Those who have taken a few bank exams in the past should follow and improve on the strategy that they are habitual of, but if someone is taking a bank exam for the first time then he/she should start off with General awareness, as this part doesn’t take much time if prepared properly. As it’s just a matter of reading and ticking the answer if candidate knows about it. This part should be finished within 10-15minutes time. That would be a good start!
The next section to be attempted would be for General English and the first 9-10 questions in it will be comprehensive passages that take a lot of time to read and understand. So That part is recommend to be left as the rest of the section is very easy and has Basic English questions. Again this part should be completed in 20-25 minutes. So that Till now we have done 2 sections within 40-50 minutes and two more are left with another 135 questions to be done in 85-95 minutes.
Choice among the last two sections, Quantitative ability and Reasoning has to be made Depending upon your strength and practice. Go for any of them but do remember to solve the easier questions firstly as it will save time and will be the deciding factor. For Example the DI part in Quantitative ability is an easy and important part and it will be the scoring factor. Most of the question in DI can be solved without even using the pen. So prepare well for DI and Attempt it firstly.

Any thing that requires long calculation in Quant or serious thinking in Reasoning should be left and come back to it if time remains in the end. Questions of compound interest in Quant and circular arrangement in Reasoning could be left at first and may be attempted at last if the time Permits.
So time is the most important resource and has to be managed well to get an edge over the other candidates and ensure a place there in the Selected Candidates.
All the best to your Success!!!


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